HKYWA 2016 Fiction 3 to 6 - page 6

NewTales of the TerracottaWarriors:The TerracottaWarriors
British International School Shanghai, Puxi, Jones, Gwilym – 13
i woke up, exited beyond his imagination.This was the day he would finally get to visit the
terracottaWarriors, the thing that he had always wanted to visit since learning about it in year
8. He rushed out of bed, took a quick shower, and got dressed.Wearing scruffy clothes- shorts
and a t-shirt, both colored grey and bought many years ago- He ran downstairs and made himself a
protein shake.After, he sprinted to the car and set off, ready with a backpacked that was sorted and packed
last night, camera and all. He was ready for the best day of his life.
As Hi arrived, completing his twelve mile journey, he grabbed his bag and, quick as possible, he ran up the
path to the excavated cave which housed the terracottaWarriors.As he walked through the grand
entrance, his breath caught in his throat. Gazing out over the vast expanse of cave, he had never seen
someone hing so extraordinary. Hi knew he wouldn't need his camera to remember this day, he would
never forget it.
Hi was a well built 21 year old just over six feet tall with cropped blond hair. However, in that cave, he
acted as though he was five, yelling about how amazing this place was, taking far more pictures than
needed and getting looks from other adults as if to say 'God I wish he would leave'.
After about an hour of this, Hi realized he was actually an adult and began attempting to act more
responsible, but it was still difficult.At one point he even pushed someone who looked about eight years
old out the way, managing to get yet another few nasty looks from other adults, but he didn't care.The
hours crept by, but Hi barely noticed.As the numbers of people thinned, he realized it was time to go, but
he couldn't just leave this place, it was amazing.That was when he got his 'brilliant' idea- he was going to
hide in the vast cavern, somewhere nobody would find him, then he would come back out when the
guards had closed the doors and left the underground masterpiece for Hi to explore in more detail.
As the guards swept around with torch lights to check if anybody was left, Hi crouched behind a support
beam and somehow managed to stay hidden without any guards noticing him.Then they left, and the
place was his all night. He went crazy.This first thing he did was carefully climb down the stone wall,
landing among theWarriors, he examined their faces closely and realized that the stories had been true,
each one had a completely unique face. Next, admired their armour and got very jealous over the long,
sharp swords they had sheathed. Each statue had such immense detail that he could almost believe that
they were sculptures of the people of the actual army of emporer Qin.
After around an hour, but Hi couldn't tell by this point because he left his other stuff up above on the
public path, including his watch and camera- they'd been too heavy to carry down with him. But he was
beginning to get bored, there was nobody to get annoyed with him, there was nobody to move out the
way anymore.That was when he saw it. He couldn't believe he hadn't noticed it before, it was so obvious
now.There was a tunnel in the wall, it seemed fairly rough and damp and a generally terrible place to go,
but Hi wanted something to do, he was getting too bored to just sit around doing nothing. It wasn't just
that. It was as if the hole in the wall was speaking to him, telling him to climb through it to see what was
on the other side.At first he felt he was just getting tired and hearing things, but after a while he was sure
of it.That was when he did something that he knew couldn't have gone well, but he did it anyway.
The tunnel was longer than Hi expected. He had been crawling along on his belly for about ten minutes
in pitch dark before he saw a light up ahead.As he crawled forward, he realized their was another cave
opening on the other side.The light was coming from torches along the walls. He gazed out over the cave
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